Human Rights Abuses or Issues

Some examples:

·                     1900s:1990s In different times throughout this period, the segregation of people based on colour in the United States of America and Australia or the apartheid regime of South Africa

·                     1940s:1950s The Gulags of Russia

·                     1960s:1970s Chemical warfare in Vietnam

·                     1970s: Attempted genocide by Idi Amin in Uganda and Pol Pot's "killing fields" in Cambodia

·                     1980s: Attempted genocide of Kurds in Iraq

·                     1990s: Ethnic cleansing in Kosovo or militia violence in Timor

·                     The use of child labour

·                     Implementation of mandatory sentencing in some nations

·                     Disadvantages girls face in education because they are girls

·                     Not all nations have universal suffrage

·                     Many people are victims of racism

It is estimated that at least 60 million people have died or been maimed (emotionally and physically) in wars and human rights abuses since 1945. The number of victims continue to climb.

But the number of people promoting human rights through education and the media, the growth of organisations protecting people through action such as Amnesty International or Doctors without Borders, and government legislation, such as human rights and equal opportunity acts, reflect the impact of Universal Declaration of Human Rights since its adoption and proclamation.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has become a standard by which the dignity and worth of the human person can be measured.